Too busy to exercise?

Too busy to spend some time on your health? I know that many of us have busy lives – between family, work, and general running around, it can be hard to find the time to live a healthy lifestyle. It can be a challenge to figure out how you will fit in your exercise when you are just trying to keep ahead of all of the demands on your time.

The first thing you will need to do is to figure out how you can fit in some time for exercise. I find the best time to exercise is before supper since I am not a morning person. But you may find that the best time for you is early in the morning. It doesn’t matter when you do the exercise, as long as you set aside some time each week to get and stay in shape.exercise treadmill

The minimum recommended time for exercise is at least 30 minutes 3 days per week. But if you are trying to lose some weight, you will probably want to try and fit in a little more time. I like to aim for 45 minutes of exercise 5 days per week.

You may find that you don’t have a full 30 minutes to exercise. If shorter periods work better for you, you might do 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes at the end of the day. That’s ok too – it is up to you to figure out what you enjoy and when is the best time for you. Once you have figured out when and where you want to exercise, then set up a weekly schedule and try to stick to it. Don’t worry if you occasionally miss a workout – it happens to all of us. But do try to fit in at least three 30 minute workouts each week. If you can do more, then that’s great too!

If you haven’t been exercising recently, you’ll probably find that the exercise is challenging, so start slow and build up. You will find that soon you will feel that you have more energy, more flexibility, and fewer aches and pains. You will be well on your way to a stronger and more energized you! Getting and staying healthy doesn’t just happen on its own – only you can give yourself the gift of good health.